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Egy amerikai személyi edző a ketonak köszönheti bomba formáját

Hihetetlen, hogy csak kicsivel több mint két hét kellett az átalakuláshoz
2018. February 24.

Az amerikai Nagy Fogyás (The Biggest Looser) show egyik trénete, Jen Widerstrom osztotta meg nemrég hivatalos Instagram oldalán ketodiétájának eredményét. Ahogy írja, 17 napba telt neki, hogy elérje ezt a testalkatot.

17 days of #keto complete. MY GREATEST TAKEAWAY: If you read nothing else below please read this: I have the power to do something about the way I feel and I also get to decide how to move through what happens to me. I do not have to be a victim but I do but I do get to choose how I cope with my stress. It’s up to me on whether I check out or not— and through this experience I’ve chosen to participate everyday of my life going forward. YOU HAVE THE SAME POWER. ?? The actual diet feedback: PROS -Fast response. Keep in mind the first week is really just water weight but if you stay in it the body continues to drop weight pretty rapidly. (make sure you’re eating enough though because you don’t want to lose muscle!!) -No cravings. I had no energy drop and nice energy flow throughout the day. -CLEAR food/fuel boundaries. There is no guesswork and no negotiation that happens—you know exactly what you’re allowed to eat and what you’re not and it takes away any emotional eating or conversations in your head. . CONS -As you all know, I strongly believe one size does not fit all… Making keto NOT for everyone. It’s not for me for sure- even though my body does respond well to high fat and protein fuel, given my mental and physical demands. My body NEEDS starch so I choose not to live in ketogenesis. -It takes VERY high discipline to do right and adapt correctly. -The precision of this diet is critical. Inspired by a conversation with my colleague @dunamisarp, “you risk not actually being in ketosis and instead just adopting a restrictive carb diet with too high of protein leading into gluconeogenesis. It takes a while to be fully adaptive into ketosis even though the scale and clothes will change earlier. There is always a cost to everything.” -Chris Knott #mondaymotivation

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A keto diéta a zsíralapú étkezésre fekteti a hangsúlyt. Emellett mérsékelt fehérje és szinte semennyi szénhidrát bevitelét engedélyezi. Ha sikerrel járunk, a szervezetünk a ketogenezis állapotába lép, mikor is zsírt éget el szénhidrát helyett.

Jen január elején vágott bele a diétába, mert az azt megelőző hat hónapban némi felesleget szedett fel, és az izmaiból is vesztett. A kaotikus időszak alatt „sokat ittam, rengeteg gyorskaját ettem, mentálisan pedig teljesen kikapcsoltam” – írta még a januári posztban.

CONFESSION: This was a lot harder to post than I thought it would be. Per my last post I said I would take on this challenge and frankly accepted it because it's something I thought would be fun — but in looking at these photos I don't think I realized how much I truly needed the push. I've had a very chaotic six months and for the first time I visually see how that chaos is reflected in my eating habits and mental health. With a huge amount of stress along side many things to be thankful for, I have been drinking a lot, eating fast food, and to be honest been mentally checked out. To see the distention and my gut is the physical evidence that I've clearly been a been avoiding handling what I've been feeling and after knowing all of you for so long, I know you've been there too. But it stops NOW. I have the decision to shift my headspace and be better bc I know better or to go into f*ck it mode, give in and avoid what scares me longer. Well… you guys know me well enough by now to know which decision I'm going to make- and as I said last night, I'd love to have you along with me. This all makes me a little freaked out, but to know you're there makes it easier. xxMe DAY 1 of 17

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A kép a ketodiéta első napján készült róla, és szemmel látható a különbség a fenti fotóhoz viszonyítva. A friss posztjában pedig a keto több előnyét is felsorolta. „Jegyezd meg, az első hét során valójában csak vizet raktároz el a testünk, de ha tovább folytatjuk, gyorsan ledolgozhatjuk a felseleget.”  Nem volt a napjai során olyan időszak, mikor alacsony lett volna az energiaszintje, vagy éhséget érzett volna. Nem vágyódott cukros, sós nassolnivalók után sem.

Viszont a hátrányokról sem feledkezett meg: „ a keto nem való mindenkinek”, nagyon sok figyelmet igényel a folyamat, precizitás kell ahhoz, hogy helyesen és következetesen csináljuk végig. A szénhidrátmegvoás kemény dolog…

forrás: Delish

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