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4 mód, hogy több fehérjét vigyünk be a húsokkal

Emellett ezek a változatok kevesebb kalóriát is tartalmaznak.
2018. August 15.

A fehérje a táplálkozásunk egyik alaptápanyaga, viszont sokszor ezzel visszük be a kalóriáink nagy részét. Graeme Tomlinson, személyi edző ezért rakott össze egy olyan táblázatot, amely megmutatja, hogy mely húsokkal járunk a legjobban (értsd: sok fehérje, kevés kalória). Rámutatott, hogy – a bacon kivételével – az alacsony kalóriatartalom együtt jár a magas fehérjetartalommal, hiszen kevesebb bennük a zsír. És fordítva.

Tag a mate and save this one for future reference?. – – These are essentially calorie saving swaps. Though it is also interesting to see that, apart from the bacon, the lower calorie alternatives are also higher in protein. – – For example, if we compare the chicken thighs and breast in more detail, we see that the thigh gets 144 of its calories from protein and the remaining 178 from fat. Whereas the breast gets 192 of its calories from protein and the remaining 18 from fat. – – As there are no carbohydrate present in fresh meat/poultry, the calories will always derive from protein or fat. Whilst looking at the total calorie content of a product, you can therefore ascertain its protein density in relation to its calories. If protein is quite low, you know it contains a higher amount of fat. If protein is high, you know the fat content is low. – – All of these items above can of course be enjoyed as part of a balanced, protein rich diet. But if consumed regularly whilst aiming to be in a calorie deficit, you may want to consider swapping out some of the top tier for the bottom tier. Very similar in taste and experience, but less calories (which in these examples means less fat). – – Small incremental changes make the process of being successful easier. Interestingly, if you consumed the quantities of the top tier each week and swapped them for the bottom tier… you’d save 649 calories. – – All the items on this graphic can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. But if fat loss is the goal, sometimes small changes over time can aid a sustainable calorie deficit and make a big impact??. – – #thefitnesschef #meatlover #mealprepping #protein #highprotein #caloriedeficit #dinnerideas #calories #caloriecounting #steaklover #fatlosshelp #nutritioncoach #nutritionfacts #fatlosstips #balanceddiet #eatsmart #losebellyfat #losefat

A post shared by ?????????Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_) on

Erre érdemes cserélni a húsokat:

1.Csirkecombot csirkemellre: 112 kalóriát spórolunk, és 12g fehérjét nyerünk.

2.Rib Eye steaket fillet steakre: 198 kalóriát spórolunk, és 4g fehérjét nyerünk.

3.Bacon csíkokat bacon medalionokra: 65 kalóriát spórolunk.

4.Darált marhahúst darált pulykamellre: 276 kalóriát spórolunk, és 14g fehérjét nyerünk.

via: Popsugar

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