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Egy táplálkozási tanácsadó remek képekkel világít rá arra, hogy mi is az igazság az étkezéssel kapcsolatban.
2018. September 15.

Graeme Tomlinson posztjaival rengeteg, az egészséges étkezéssel kapcsolatos mítoszt és tévhitet söpör el. Azon a véleményen van, hogy az emberek akkor is fogyhatnak és építhetnek izmot, ha nem követnek egy szigorú diétát. Emellett kiemeli, hogy a táplálkozás valóban nem egy egyszerű téma, ezért sokan teljesen belezavarodnak a rengeteg információba. Pont ezért igyekszik Tomlinson követőit posztjaival okítani.

Gyermekkorától kezdve vonzotta a mozgás, félprofi kriket játékos volt. Ma már 5 éve annak, hogy hivatásos személyi edző és táplálkozási tanácsadó vált belőle. „A legnagyobb probléma, hogy amikor az emberek formába akarnak kerülni, rengeteg hamis tanácsot kapnak.” Szerinte érdemes a bizonyított információknak hinni. Egyébként ez a mottója is.

Imádunk végig böngészni az Instagram-oldalán. Érdemes az itt megmutatottakon felül a többi posztját is megnézni, elolvasni a magyarázatot, és okulni belőle.

The days of calorie dense fruit & nut bars are definitely upon us like never before. Whilst bars like the above do contain nutrients and fibre – like any food, they also contain calories. – – These bars (or any minimalist ‘health’ branded bars) are not bad. In fact, they may be the an improved, convenient, enjoyable snack for an individual. In that case, they must be eaten. – – For the average individual determined to lose fat or maintain the status quo, the jurisdiction is a reduction in calorie intake and a negative energy balance. Furthermore, it may be advantageous for such an individual to consume a proportionately high volume of food per calorie to support satiety levels. This theory of satiety may also practically aid an individual to avoid hunger and subsequent calorie excesses. – – Whilst the branding and ingredients of the Nakd bar align with the fundamentals of nutritious, non processed whole foods, the density of calories (and sugar) per amount of actual food is high. Therefore, whilst still an option, consumption would be going against the ‘satiety method’ stated above. – – In comparison, a relatively low calorie whole food in the form of strawberries offer the same nutritious, non processed prospect to one’s health, but they also offer the opportunity to consume a much greater volume of food per calorie. This supports the ‘satiety method’ stated above. Factually, by consuming the described portions of strawberries instead of the Nakd bar each day; an individual would be consuming 460 less calories per week. Consuming fewer calories directly supports a caloric deficit. – – This is one comparison. But the theory applies across many others. Consume this style of bar if you enjoy it – you can fit it in to your diet (and goal). But be educated on what consumption means for you and what pre-existing, non marketed foods are also available to make your goal easier to achieve ?. – – #thefitnesschef #fatlosscoach #strawberries #freshfruit #worksnack #snacktime #caloriedeficit #fatlosstips #nutritioncoach #calories #eatsmart #diettips #fatlossjourney #workfood #snacktime #nutritiontips #lowcalorie

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Mediocre celebrities continue to endorse useless ways lose weight, control hunger and improve appearance. The latest infliction of fraud on impressionable young women comes in the form of BoomBod. – – The creators of BoomBod most likely resemble seismic parasitic cockroaches festering in a suburban sewer. Profiteering from cloning disease and sickness, they lure their pray in by seeking endorsements from celebrity cockroaches. Both clearly have no interest in your long term health. – – Each time a money hungry reality TV ‘star’ makes a penny endorsing such pointless products, an innocent, vulnerable consumer loses theirs – along with their nutritional wellbeing, confidence, judgement and self esteem. If said ‘celebrities’ had any conscience or education, they’d realise that they are actually being paid to promote disordered eating. – – McDonald’s are more coherent and honest regarding the health and well-being of their consumer. Instead of promoting false claims, they simply promote their food and are transparent about its value. This cannot be said for the creators of BoomBod, the people who endorse it and shops that sell it (Holland & Barrett). – – Greedy, unethical celebrities continue to breach the walls of evidence based health & fitness with their barely legal, unsubstantiated promotion of B.S. So much so, that their impact is becoming potentially disastrous for the well-being of young women. The ridiculous product they promote mirrors the ridiculousness of their fame. – – BoomBod apparently works by suppressing your desire to consume food via sachets of; morning energizer, afternoon motivator and night rejuvenator. They claim inclusion of glucomannan in their product is clinically proven to stop hunger cravings. Despite this being unanimously unproven, there is something that is unanimously proven to stop hunger cravings – actual food. But in 2018, promotion of a balanced diet, regular exercise and sleep doesn’t doesn’t sell for £29.99 per week in a shiny pink box ?. – – #thefitnesschef #eatingdisorder #diet #appetitesuppressant #appetite #cravings #foodcravings #hungry #diet #fatloss #nutritionfacts #diettips #losefat #nutritioncoach #eatsmart

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This is not a lecture on how to parent your child. Furthermore, this is not a lecture on how to feed your child. Instead, it’s an effort to display information which may (depending on your choice) affect your child. – – On the left, the innocent ‘just for kids’ smoothie is specifically marketed towards children. Despite it being unlikely that the child will purchase the product, parents will purchase based on its relevance to their child consuming ‘healthy’ produce. After all, ‘fruit’ is better than frutella’s etc… – – But if we analyse the smoothie; it contains 180ml (around 3 mouthfuls), 94 calories and 18g of sugar. If a child was to consume one of these per day as a school snack, that’s 470 calories and 90g of sugar from a few gulps of smoothie per week. Compare this with the equivalent weight of the same whole fruits and you are propositioned with 55 calories and 9g of sugar per day. This equates to 275 calories and 45g of sugar per week. – – The innocent smoothie may be an improvement from confectionary in terms of nutrient intake, but such a low volume of smoothie at 94 calories will be unlikely to satiate the average child. Alternatively, consuming the whole fruits allows your child to consume a greater volume per calorie and gram of sugar. And they are eating as opposed to drinking. Essentially, innocent have taken an existing source of nutrients (fruit), and whilst still nutrient dense, created a sugar dense product and aimed it specifically at children. 3/4 pressed apple, 1/3 squeezed orange, 1/3 mashed banana, 4 grapes, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries complete the ingredients of the smoothie. – – Children and adolescents should not necessarily be subjected to calorie controlled diets, but they do deserve to be educated in basic nutrition from a young age. This knowledge will allow them to make informed choices later in life. This includes being informed enough to see through clever marketing, understand energy balance and comprehend food labelling accurately ?. – – #thefitnesschef #smoothie #highsugar #fruit #sugar #lowsugar #kidssnack #snacktime #schoolsnacks #nutritioncoach #nutritiontips #calories #fruitbowl #fruitsnack #diet

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Whilst the mythical onslaught on those carbohydrates who like to stay up late has been circling for years, I doubt they were read in the journal of nutrition. Or any scientific journal for that matter. – – For years this ‘no carbs at night’ metabolic artifice has plagued us to the point where people trying to lose fat still believe in it’s validity. It’s concept was probably born out of the fact that our metabolism slows down as we may move less in evenings – and obviously sleep. – – But according to a study published by the obesity journal, a test group that ate most daily carbohydrates at dinner, compared to those who spread them out during the day actually showed greater losses in total body weight, body fat and waist circumference. This study is a small sample, but proof of this mythical fallacy. – – To summarize another study published in the Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease Journal, it found that eating carbs at night “may prevent midday hunger, better support weight loss and improve metabolic outcomes over conventional weight loss diets”. The study looked at macronutrient distribution throughout the day and its impact on hunger controlling hormones such as ghrelin, leptin and adiponectin. Subjects who consumed more carbs at night reported greater satiety. These are just two studies of course. – – Important considerations: Body composition is determined by total energy in vs energy out, regardless of food/nutrient type or time of day consumed. By eliminating carbs at night to lose fat, you are simply over complicating a way to reduce overall calorie intake. Our metabolism does not operate on a chronological timer, instead it operates when it is required to do so. – – It’s now after 6pm. If you want carbohydrates and they fit your your goal and enjoyment, eat them ?. – – #thefitnesschef #carbs #carbsafterdark #fatloss #nutritioncoach #nocarbs #fatlosstips #eatsmart #caloriedeficit #caloriecounting #dieting #pseudoscience #nutritiontips #balanceddiet #fatlosscoach #fatlosshelp #carbsarelife

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There exists only one fundamental way to either reduce fat or gain muscle. In the case of fat loss you must be in a calorie deficit. When muscle gain is the goal you must be in a calorie surplus. – – The simplicities of both of these concepts are so much so that the explanation of ‘eat less & move more’ and ‘eat more and lift weights’ suffice to explain the core process. However, we seem to have swapped simple logic for unnecessary complex – especially regarding fat loss. This is down to our need for speed which, over time has given birth to strategies which are unnecessary, confuse and manipulate us into the subjectivity of failure (yo-yo diets), as opposed to the objectivity of fact (eat fewer calories consistently). – – In the case of fat loss; whether it be popular diets, clubs or abhorrent MLM pyramid schemes – there’s a reason they don’t tell you that you simply need a calorie deficit. The reason is because you actually don’t need anything they sell you in order to achieve your goal. Explaining the simple process to you doesn’t put money in their pockets. Instead, you think you need them to succeed. It creates hysteria and tribe culture and we lap it up. – – In the case of muscle gain, whilst you still get ads promising the Arnold look in 2 weeks, most do promote its core values. Eat in a caloric surplus, stimulate muscles in a consistent, progressive overload and be patient. Despite unsubstantiated claims of many supplement companies, there is no evidence which shows that any supplement other that the cycling of creatine is more effective for muscle gain than ordinary calorie sources. – – In order to support your goal, you need to take into account important evidence based variables and create your own system which you enjoy. From here you can easily track and correlate your action with your goal (or hire a good coach). All the while being educated and focused on the simplicity of altering your body composition in a sustainable way. ?? – – #thefitnesschef #fatloss #musclegain #losefat #caloriedeficit #musclegain #gains #losefat #eatsmart #buildmuscle #losebellyfat #diet #fatlossdiet #nutritioncoach #fatlosstips #muscle #fatlossjourney

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When the Special K ‘drop a jeans size in 2 weeks’ diet was at its peak in the late 90s, subscribers to it would have looked upon coco pops with the same righteous snobbery that the Duke of Maylebury inflicted on Del Boy and Rodney in that infamous only fools and horses episode. – – Instead of understanding the many reasons which caused their weight problem, people were literally consuming Special K for breakfasts, lunches and snacks because they thought Special K would solve their problems. It’s easy. What was actually happening of course, was the consumption of bowls of cereal instead of meals – thus an aggressive, unsustainable calorie deficit. “Eat Special K” was the message, instead of “let’s looks at the root of your problem.” “Let’s look at the host of variables which, over time, have caused you to become overweight.” I’m going to make the assumption that in 100% of cases, Special K ultimately did not solve their underlying problem. Those people who did lose weight on this diet did so because they simply ate less, not because of Special K. – – The thing is, during this time people would have literally been just as well off consuming equivalent bowls of coco pops instead of Special K – the very cereal that has been demonized as unhealthy, high in sugar and which inflicts all sort of evil on one’s health. It is in actual fact identical to Special K in basic nutritional value (red berries in the comparison). – – Whilst the Special K diet has nearly been erased from the catalogue of hopeless ‘fat loss fixes’, it’s ideals remain. It has been replaced by concepts which offer similar short term highs without addressing the root of the problem. Meanwhile, the world gets fatter and desperation to change becomes greater. But until we let go of our appetite for ‘the miracle’, we won’t make any meaningful progress in reversing our problems. – – #thefitnesschef #specialk #cocopops #fatlossdiet #healthybreakfast #fatlosstips #nutritioncoach #sugar #caloriedeficit #caloriecounting #fitnessmyths #iifym #flexibleseating #diet #fatloss #cereal #losebellyfat #losefat #obesity

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Açai smoothie bowls. They are quite the craze. Especially in trendy city slicker breakfasting eateries around the world. Instead of being seen in a 5 star restaurant, in 2018 it’s all about being seen in one of these rustic establishments, knocking back a smoothie bowl at 10:30am in activewear. – – This post is not a plead to exclude these types of ‘superfood’ concoctions from your diet. After all, if you enjoy them them, you must eat them. However, consuming them because you believe they will directly expedite compositional change as well as enhance function is somewhat unsubstantiated. – – Though not all smoothie bowls will be as dense in calories and sugar, this specific bowl is higher in sugar and calories than 3 items of confectionary. “But Graeme, the confectionary has no nutritional value and no fibre”. This is nearly true. But what about the addition of relatively low sugar/low calorie fruits into the comparison? Now the calorie and sugar values are identical and both propositions contain nutrients and fibre. – – The truth is; consuming 3 chocolate bars on the spin is not beneficial to any health & fitness goal. But according to this comparison, it may be worth at least evaluating what is in your ‘healthy’ meal and what consumption directly means for you and your energy balance. – – Whilst the quality of ingredients may be high, repeated accumulation of proportionately high sugar/calorie foods will ultimately affect one’s body composition in a similar way to junk food. Of course high fibre, nutrient dense food is supposed to increase satiety – but this is subjective. 710 calories and a calorie deficit is objective. – – If you enjoy açaí bowls et al and you’re happy – that’s great. But if you don’t and only consume them because you witnessed a celebrity fitness star (with on point candid photos) regale their health benefits in a sponsored ad, maybe its time to research a little deeper and and question your source of advice ?. – – #thefitnesschef #acai #smoothiebowls #acaibowl #superfood #chocolate #junkfood #fatlosstips #eatsmart #nutritioncoach #calories #caloriescount #caloriecounting #nutritious #diet #dieting #smoothie #fatlosshelp

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Demonizing food has littered the fat loss industry for decades. The notion that specific foods or food groups have the ability to single handedly orchestrate the demise of your health and fitness aspirations. – – On the face of it, this concept appears rational and easy to believe. And it sells. It’s far easier to place blame on an easy target – an item of physical food – then remove it. But it’s not so easy to place blame on several underlying variables which lead to being overweight – that doesn’t sell as easily. – – And so we have a plethora of specialist fat loss diets/strategies (these are only 4). All encourage restriction of food groups to aid your fat loss goal. All effectively demonize and glorify foods & food groups to being the causation or saviour of your weight problem. Whilst some of these eating systems may accidentally improve prior eating habits, fat loss will categorically never work unless an individual is in a state of caloric deficit. – – One may enjoy cutting carbs out of their diet. They may revel in zero consumption of cake and grains for all time. They may be repulsed by the thought of bread. But what if one enjoys cake and chocolate? What if one eats sandwiches? Or a pizza once in a while? There are tens of millions of examples of individuals who consume these foods and remain in an advantageous body composition. This is due to direct or indirect awareness of their energy balance. How much energy they consume in relation to how much the energy they exert – simple, undisputed science. – – By adhering to calorie awareness you learn directly what it takes to achieve a desired body composition. This stays with you forever. There are no unnecessary obstacles. – – There is no calorie source which directly inhibits fat loss. A donut does not make you fat. But an overall diet and lifestyle which isn’t conducive to fat loss (aka a calorie surplus) will. “But there’s loads of science behind these diets Graeme”. Well, there doesn’t f*cking need to be. ? – – #thefitnesschef #keto #atkinsdiet #slimmingworld #fatlosshelp #nutritioncoach #fatlosstips #caloriedeficit #eatsmart #losefat #paleodiet #nutritiontips #dieting #diettips #obesity #sw

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You want to lose fat. You ask for advice. “Mr Nutritionist, can you please suggest a low calorie snack?” “Fruit of course” – says every voice of health conscious reason in the land… And that’s it. You toddle off in determination. – – You go to the shop. It’s fruit this time. But you want convenience. You see the dried fruit. You know it tastes sweet. You look at the ingredients. 100% fruit. You’re in. In your head, dried fruits are; easy to store, portable, taste nice and have a longer used by date. You begin horsing dried fruit at your desk every day like Oliver Twist on his first helping of grool. And you feel f*cking chuffed with yourself. – – The general advice isn’t wrong in the sense that [in isolation] fruit contains nutrients, fibre and hydration which benefit our overall health more so than a processed snack. The problem lies though, in the depiction of what state the fruit is in. For example, both sets of fruit in my graphic contain the same food and equal weight. Yet one side is drastically higher in calories and sugar than the other side. How? – – Well, it’s a very simple answer. If we take banana as an example; it gets 70% of its weight from water. Whereas dried bananas lose around 95% of water content, making them a far more concentrated calorie source. The same logic applies for any dried fruit. Essentially, per 100g, you’re eating the calorie and sugar worth of what would be a LOT more fresh fruit. That is literally how simple it is. – – Snacking on fruit is beneficial. But you still have to be smart about it. If fat loss or reducing sugar intake is your aim, you can consume a greater volume of food per calories when the fruit is fresh. Consuming more food & less calories is a logical idea. – – On evidence of this, it’s also a good idea to become more aware of what consumption of any food means in relation to your overall energy intake, regardless of its nutritional prowess ?. – – #thefitnesschef #driedfruit #highsugar #freshfruit #caloriedeficit #calories #sugar #fatlosstips #fatlosshelp #nutritiontips #nutritioncoach #dieting #losebellyfat #snacktime #lowcaloriesnack #fatlossgoals #nutritionfacts

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Carbohydrates are vilified on a daily basis as being a direct cause of weight gain. They are lambasted up and down the country as the food group which purposefully denies you the body you want. “Carbs? No thanks I’m trying to lose weight” is a phrase that if everything else in the world became silent and only these words remained… would render our ears as ‘perished via extreme noise.’ – – There has been a development though. Now only ‘refined carbs cause weight gain.’ Whilst white pasta is seen as some sort of satanic Batman, wholewheat pasta is some sort of less evil Robin. “I’m being good today, I’m having whole-wheat pasta because I heard it’s better for me.” Well… In terms of body composition and nutrient intake, it is not. – – There is one main nutritional difference between these foods. Fibre. Whilst there is more fibre in the less refined foods which MAYBE increases satiety, feeling full does not directly mean anything. Why? Because you can literally choose to eat more if you wish. – – It all boils down to the same thing again. Calories. As you can see, there is no difference in calories between rice, pasta or bread. Being fat or not fat is defined by calorie intake – which impacts energy balance – which impacts body composition. Regardless of the food. Therefore in Layman’s terms (despite all the noise), it’s impossible to argue that consuming a high fibre food will be better for your body composition than a lower fibre food. – – If you prefer white rice, pasta or bread, swapping out your preference for the slightly less refined version as a means to lose fat is pointless. For fat loss, consuming high fibre food you enjoy is a good idea if you are aware of their caloric value, just as much as consuming lesser fibre dense foods is a good idea if you are aware of their caloric value too. Above all, be aware, apply it to your goal and choose the food you enjoy most. ?? – – #thefitnesschef #pasta #calories #nutritionfacts #fatlosscoach #caloriecounting #bread #fatlosstips #eatsmart #fatlossjourney #fatloss #losefat #caloriedeficit #dieting #diet #fatlosshelp #weightloss #losebellyfat

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Tag a fish & chip lover, hit save and get on this homemade fish & chips for a fraction of the takeaway calories (and cost) ??. – – If you like fish & chips, eat fish and chips. But, do it in full awareness of its nutritional contents. I’m not saying you have to meticulously (and stressfully) dissect the exact nutritional aspects of your favourite takeaway, but an awareness of calories and main ingredients is probably a good start. – – As you can see here, it is possible to prepare your favourite takeaway meals whilst being in control of the ingredients used. Thus you are in complete control of calorie amount and level of nutrient density within. Nutritional details aside, the most important aspect here is of course, to make the thing taste good. Give this one a try, I think you’ll be converted ?. – – 1️⃣ Whisk one egg into a large bowl before dipping in 150g of cod/haddock fillet, ensuring its covered in the whisked egg. 2️⃣ In a separate bowl, add 50g breadcrumbs before coating the fish. 3️⃣ Chop up 200g potatoes into chips and add to a mixing bowl with 5ml olive oil, salt, garlic powder and dried mixed herbs. Mix up with hands. 4️⃣ Add fish and chips to a baking tray and place in a pre heated oven at 220 degrees C for 25-40 minutes depending on preference. 5️⃣ Just before those are cooked, heat up 50g of peas in a saucepan of boiling water for 2 minutes, before serving up with 2 tbsp of ketchup. – – Which one would you go for? Both are delicious, therefore based on taste and with my nutritional goals in mind, I’d go for homemade 3 times out of 4 I reckon. ??? – – – #thefitnesschef #fishandchips #homemadefood #takeaway #calories #macros #highprotein #caloriecounting #fatloss #recipeideas #dinnerideas #balancedfood #fatlosscoach #caloriedeficit #fatlosstips #foodie #losefat

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When you eat pizza you experience the same principled metabolic process that you would by eating any food. In that you consume it, it passes through the esophagus, at which point it enters the stomach before entering the small intestine. At this point nutrients are absorbed and passed into the bloodstream. – – The calories from this pizza are made up of protein, carbs and fat. The carbs will go directly into the bloodstream or be stored in the liver as glycogen, leftovers are stored as fat. The fat will travel to the liver where some of it is burned, some is converted into cholesterol and some is sent over to fat cells until they are needed. As for the protein, it is broken down into peptides, which become amino acids which build protein stores. Excess amino acids are excreted or stored as body fat. – – The facts are that pizza (or any calorie dense food) simply has a little more density and volume when the above elements take place. But the process is the same. Excessive calorie intake of any food source will result in more fat cell production. No food inherently makes you fat. 1000 calories of pizza is the same as 1000 calories of asparagus in simple terms of thermodynamics and body composition (though obviously not in terms of overall health). It’s about the bigger picture of overall calorie balance. The apparent damage pizza has on one’s health is rendered entirely from one’s psychological state when faced with it, as opposed to the way one metabolises it. – – Stop beating yourself up when you consume the food you love. Understand what consumption of it means and adjust your overall diet to make it fit. There are no bad foods – only bad overall diets and lifestyles which lead to an undesired body composition or poor health. Instead it’s about finding a balance of calories, nutrients, activity, education, adherence, and those tasty foods that all come together to support your goal and make you bloody happy ???. – – #thefitnesschef #calories #caloriedeficit #thermodynamics #nutrition #pizza #guiltfree #losefat #losebellyfat #nutritioncoach #bingeeating #fatloss #fatlosscoach #fatlosstips #nutritionfacts

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